van Wyk Cronjé, Jacobus
Dionysius of Halicarnassus De Demosthene. A critical appraisal of the Status Questioni. Followed by a glossary of the technical terms


van Wyk Cronjé, Jacobus Dionysius of Halicarnassus De Demosthene. A critical appraisal of the Status Questioni. Followed by a glossary of the technical terms

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van Wyk Cronjé, Jacobus
Dionysius of Halicarnassus De Demosthene. A critical appraisal of the Status Questioni. Followed by a glossary of the technical terms Hildesheim, Olms, 1986. 8,295 S.
Originalbroschur (Softcover).
Sehr sauberes ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar, ohne Benutzungsspuren.

Bestellnummer: M11201644